Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Look

Big thanks to my wife Amy for making this blog look way better than it was. I am laking in the aesthetic region.

Well, I am not sure how often I am going to post, but just wanted to share some quick thoughts on weighing yourself (myself). I have heard two different schools of thought.

1) Weigh yourself once a week, no more because weight can vary from day to day, due to a number of reasons.

2) Weigh yourself every day, so that way you stay on track and see any fluctuations.

Well, I kindof do in between. I try to follow these rules.

1) Always weigh in the AM. (I haven't eaten so I am bound to weigh less, right? :)
2) Always weigh before eating anything.
3) Don't eat anything until I workout.
4) I only weigh myself on 1 scale that is at the gym where Amy and I go to workout. We have a scale at home, but scales can vary . . . so to keep it consistent, I only use one scale.

I think that is it. I just try and tell myself, that even though I may see a fluctuation in weight from one day to the next either up or down. . it is a slow and steady race. Just keep eating right and exercising and it will all come off. . . just takes work and time. Like anything worth doing. . . work and time.

Pic of my bike before Ironman CDA 2007


Amy said...

You're welcome :) I had fun working on your blog last night :)purdy bike. Your wife must sure be nice to let you buy such a fancy lookin piece of metal (or carbon).. whatever it is ;) hehe

Staci said...

Amy - Great job on the design!

Anonymous said...

That's how I weigh myself too! Is the one at your gym one of those ones like at the Dr office? Our scale at home always varies, piece of junk. Good Job on the layout Amers, very creative : )