Monday, February 2, 2009

2 Gears, 3 hours with baby and then 16.4 to cap it off

Here is a little recap of the weekend . . .

Decided late Friday night that I needed to ride early Saturday morning instead of with the whole crew Saturday afternoon. I am the type of person that likes to get the workouts for the day started in the morning, not at 1:30 PM. So I sent Dave C. a text to verify he was riding in the early morning and to get the ok to tag along. Saturday morning I took off from home at about 7:15 AM with 32 degrees, wind and a little frost/ice on the pavement. I could tell right away that the route we had selected would put us in the wind's furry on the return trip. .. but Dave's only response to that, was "yeah, it will be tough". Understatement of the year. . . . On our way out to Buckner, I heard a snap come from Dave's bike and shortly after the statement "my cable snapped, I only have two gears". So from there on out, Dave had his 50/34 in front and the 12 cog in the back. For a normal rider that would have meant just doing their best to get through the day, but to Dave it meant . .I will ride harder and faster and show you how much better I am than you (in a good way of course).

After our turn at Buckner to head back to Independence/Blue Springs we were met with the onslaught of the West/Southwest wind. . . Speeds quickly dropped to around 17 mph (if we were lucky) and the brutal pedaling began. We finally made the turn off where I would head home and Dave would return to Blue Springs and I asked if he wanted a ride home, he said he would be fina and turned off to head up Crenshaw, which is one of the steepest hardest hills that we have. . . with of course only two gears. Dave is a cycling champion.

Saturday I volunteered to watch Kloden for about 3 hours so Amy could go with her sister and friends to see a movie and out to lunch. Kloden and I had a good time together and he slept for about half of the time in 30 minute segments and ate for about 20 minutes. All in all we had a good afternoon together.

Sunday morning's run was slated for the Blue River (probably one of the least nice places to run in the city) and I decided that 16 miles was the order of the day. Long story short, I got 16.4 in and averaged just under 8 minute miles. I am happy to see my run getting stronger, just hope i tall pays off come summer. :)


Amy said...

Thanks for watching Kloden for me!!

Courtney Staton said...

When did you come up with a blogspot? Anyway, I'll link you up to mine!

