Sunday, February 17, 2008

Snow and Cold, Cold and Snow

Well, it seems as thought I will spend the rest of my training days inside. Either on a bike trainer or on the treadmill. During the week it is hard to get in a ride or run outside due to it being dark in the evening when we get home from work and on the weekends when it is light out at 7:00 AM, it is usually 20 degrees with a strong north wind or snow/ice/rain. So I have done my past long runs on the treadmill. At one time I could barely stand to run for 20 minutes on the treadmill and the past two sundays I have done a 1 hour 50 minute run and a 1 hour 40 minute run on the treadmill. The same can be said for the bike trainer too, although on Monday and Thursday evenings I have the great opportunity to be part of a cycling class (KMA) run by Greg Goodman in Blue Springs, MO. It makes the time go by so much quicker when I am suffering with 30+ people. :)

We got about 3-4 inches of snow this morning and the forecast calls for 30 degree weather the rest of the week. March is right around the corner, so I am praying for some warm (60+ degree) weather in March.

As far as Ironman goes, I am about 2 months ahead of where I was last year. I am down to 207 lbs now (compared to around 215 lbs in February of 2007) and am on target for my goal weight of around 185 for Ironman in June. When I get to 185 I may cry. I haven't been that weight since 2001. Hm??? What happened in 2001??? Oh, I got married!!! :) Just kidding, gaining weight is a choice and I let it happen to me, Amy is a wonderful wife and supports me in all of my training and races. She loves me no matter if I am 220 or 185. :)

All right, not too much else to report. I am hitting my long runs and rides each week and feeling good about everything. One thing I wish I would of had measure in the first of Jan was my body fat percentage.. I am curious to see how much muscle I have put on while fat is going away. . .

All for now. . . till next time. . .


Amy said...

I hope it starts warming up so you can train outside. Good job with the weight loss hunny :) Maybe we can have another wedding when you get to 185 :) Or a baby would be good too.

Peter said...

It's not to late to state measuring body fat percentage.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you are 2 months ahead of last year, good job Jared!!! You have a very cool wifey!