Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Team Endurance Corner

The 2010 racing season is fast approaching and I am pleased to announce that I have singed on with Team Endurance Corner in Boulder, CO. Head coach Gordo Byrn is a wealth of knowledge and has countless years of experience. Check them out and learn as much as you can on their website. They offer free info for pretty much every aspect of the sport. Looks like coaching services are at capacity right now, but there is a waiting list. Also, think long and hard about attending one of their camps if you can. I did the Boulder Summer camp last year and had a great time and tired legs! :)


Tim said...

You wearing their stuff to race in?

TELL3131 said...

Local Races will be Bike Stop. Out of area (Ironman) will be EC stuff. . .but only if I get it in time.

Barbie said...

Just thought I would stop in and say HI and glad that you are continuing to soldier on and keep training. Great blog.

tri2fnsh said...

hey there - looks like I'm not the only one who let the blog lapse a bit...hope all is well!