Monday, May 4, 2009

Trizou Triathlon Race Report

The 2009 Trizou Triathlon took place in Columbia, MO at the University of Missouri campus. The swim was unique in that it was actually in the university pool. Distances were 500 meter swim, 14 mile bike, 3.1(or maybe just 3) mile run. Grab something to drink. . here we go!!!

All 660 competitors had to line up (sit down) in designated swim time areas. It was up to each competitor to line up. I made my way over to the fastest swim area at 5 minute 15 seconds. They then announced that if anyone was going to swim 4 minutes or faster to come over to the elite wave (they are the "pros"). Well, I didn't go over but I should have. . . We lined up for the swim and I was about the 6th guy to start. The swimmers went off every 10 seconds apart. They made us jump in (not dive) which made it awkward, but I managed and off I went. In about 100 meters I caught my first guy and then another and then another. I ended up passing 3 guys. Total Swim time: 6 minutes 23 seconds. (actual time was 5:15, but they counted some of our run time to transition).

Transition: This is where I lost about a minute. I had a tough time getting on my cycling shoes. . after doing that, I was off. Time: 1 minute 16 seconds.

My biggest mistake here, was that I didn't drive the bike course ahead of time, so I really had no idea what the course was like. To put it mildly, there were a ton of sharp turns in the course. Normally triathlons are not that technical, but this had some very nasty turns. I am surprised someone didn't get seriously injured. There were also two good sized hills in the race. The first one caught me offguard and in the wrong gear, but I managed to get up it and passed a guy in my age group. I wanted to do the bike course in 35 minutes and as I was coming to the last hill back up to campus, I knew I would be hard pressed to do that. Coming into the 2nd lap area, they didn't really have it marked, so I had to slow down and basically have the volunteer tell me what to do (when I was done with the second lap, I noticed they put a sign up that explained what to do, would have been nice to have that a little earlier). The second time around, I was more comfortable with what to expect and was ready for the first hill. I spun up it and just tried to go as fast as possible. Coming down the hill (right before the last hill up to campus) I remembered a nasty bump in the road that on the first lap I was surprised didn't destroy my wheel. I managed to jump that this time and just went for broke up the hill. Coming into the finish is a 80 degree turn that almost ended it for me (the volunteer really wasn't pointing where to go), but I managed to stay upright and headed for the transition area.

Bike Time: 37 minutes 8 seconds 22.62 mph avg

Transition 2: Bad . I think that sums it up. If I would of had good transitions, I probably would have been top 10 overall. . . . Triathlons are really a 4 leg sport.

Time: 1 minute 7 seconds

The run is what I was really looking forward to. I have been working my run and I was anxious to see how I would do. I started off feeling a little sluggish, but after about a half mile, this passed and I just tried to keep my turnover high. I noticed some duathletes out on the course, but no other triathetes. At the 1 mile marker I saw an elite female athlete and decided I would try and chase her down. I also saw a guy in my age group behind me, and knew I had to keep him there. I caught the elite female at mile 2 and never did see that guy in my age group again. The course was pretty windy/curvy, but finally I made it back to the pool area and just kept up the pace till the finish. I reallly did feel good during the run and felt like I could have kept it up for a while longer if necessary.

Run Time: 19 minutes 46 seconds 6 min 35 second per mile

I was happy with the race and figured I would be right around there this time of year. I was happy with the run time, especially after the hard bike. I saw Amy right at the finish and Kloden was still in the pool area with Melissa. . we went in there and I talked with Troy and Kris (they had yet to start) and gave them a heads up about the bike course.

Overall Place: 19 out of 660

Age Group: 3 out of 52

Well. . that is all. . I hope you enjoyed it! I did!!!

Kloden and me inside the MU Natatorium. Maybe he will swim there someday?!!! :)


Tim said...

Well done Jared. Good way to start off the season.

Amy said...

I had alot of fun. It wasn't too hard having Kloden there either. He likes to watch his daddy!