Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Upcoming Races

I have 3 races left this year for the sport of Triathlon. I may try and do a bike race in early August, but that will be a pure learning experience since I have never technically done an official bike race before. . we will see. Here are my next traithlons.

July 20th: Midwest Mayhem Olympic Distance Triathlon.

August 24th: Jackson County Triathlon. Short Course.

September 20th: Redman Half Ironman.

If I do a bike Race it will be the Tour of Kansas City. . I believe the weekend of August 1-3. We will see though.

Oh yeah. . WE ARE HAVING A BOY!!!!!!!!!!! Due December 5th. . .
Name: Kloden Tell Kuntz


1 comment:

Amy said...

These races will be keeping us busy before Kloden comes.